Wednesday 20 September 2023

30 Autumn nail arts that spoke to my soul

I fell in love; everything about nail art spoke to my soul 

I have a feeling that nail art is a big thing in women's lives now days. You can't go to a party or a restaurant with just bland hands, can you? all those acrylic nails, fake nails, gel nails are so fancy and we feel so attractive and elegant when using them. The options online are endless, and I can't stop scrolling my social media even when the topic isn't about nail designs. I am there looking for nail ideas to make the perfect manicure next time even bigger and better than before. 

In this post you'll get inspired to create your perfect look, one for every occasion with these 30 autumn nail art inspirations selected by me. 

These autumn nail arts are somehow an escape to distract our minds from the day to day stress, aren't they?  

First of all, autumn colours are in demand this September. If you use Pinterest you have probably noticed that, brown, orange and yellow nail polish is taking over the platform with speed, so I can't possibly do this any differently. A nail polish colour can represent a whole era or allow us to recognise a certain genre or idol, it is not just a colour though, it is our identity shining through something we love. It is a way to express ourselves to society. 

I remember seeing someone at work on a video call that had yellow and orange neon nails, alternating between each finger and straight away my eyes jumped to the "neon" bright summer shade. Eye catching nails that look fresh and polished perfect for the season. Or the grunge guitarist at a gig once that had all black nails, black hair, black clothes. The nails being an extension of each and every person. 

Before diving into the nails I've selected, l want to draw your attention to one of the best places to buy nail designs. You can easily find them in any online store, but I found Amazon and Shein the most affordable ones in my opinion. At these shops you can find acrylic nails, and ones with the designs ready, so ready that you can just add them with glue and it looks like you have come out of a nail salon right on your doorstep. 

The only downside being when one nail falls off accidentally whilst eating that sandwich or opening that door, disaster strikes and you are in need of a new look all over again. Alas the nails are infinite and there's nothing wrong with a regular nail switcheroo is there? 

Now you can jump to the good part of this post and look at all the autumn nail ideas. 





















I hope that this post made you inspired to try something new this autumn. 


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