Wednesday 20 September 2023

Is a blog a good thing to have after Chatgpt

blog post image

Is a blog still a good thing to have in 2023 knowing out there are lots of AI programmes to respond to all your questions? Straight away, the answer is yes. There are people looking for real texts, reviews, stories. People who like to see what others are up to. People who are curious about others. The AI however good it may be, will not try beauty products and tell you the real benefits of them or be able to point out the bad side of a cream it used. It can not wash it's hair and feel the results on it's golden locks and tell you how fantastic it felt. This post will help you decide if blogging is something for you or not.

To begin, What is a blog?

A blog is a platform for writing texts, thoughts, online books and in most cases you can have a shop built into a blog. A blog is a space online to share information and good or bad stuff with the world. 

Now that you know what a blog is, let's dive into the good part of having one:

  • Is a blog a good thing to have after Chatgpt
  • What are the advantages of having a blog
  • When I created my first blog
  • The benefits of blogging 
  • The latest studies about blogs
  • How can you start your own blog
  • How to create a blog
  • What is a niche
  • Choosing Blog Language
  • Can your blog make money
  • How to monetise your blog
  • How do you attract visitors to your blog

When I created my first blog back in 2011, I had no idea what I was doing. I used to write about anything just to get attention, and most posts were about me. I did not select any niche, which brought completely the wrong audience to my blog and prevented any profit from being made. I had some partnerships going with clothes brands, restaurants and hotels, which was honestly cool, but there was no steady income - it was just free food, products and hotel stays, which is fun but insufficient if you have bills to pay and want to seriously make an income. So then I realised my goal was not to try and be a famous influencer, but to get a lot of blog traffic with the intention to make this my full-time job, not just a hobby.

The benefits of blogging are endless, if you're into recipes, news articles, fashion reports, a blog is probably for you. 

The latest study about blogs by says there are over 600 million blogs out of 1.9 billion websites worldwide, and 77% of internet users regularly read blog posts. I mentioned at the start that at present ChatGPT can provide any information, but it lacks in taste, feelings, and it cannot convey true emotions that a human blogger can. It can only share what is in it's programming. 

A writer can open a product, touch and try it, and express real sensations.

Big companies will want real writers' reviews as people connect with people, so don't think text generators will replace humans - use them to help you grow as a professional blogger instead. I will talk about how ChatGPT can assist you in succeeding online, but first I need to cover other topics.

woman using a computer

How can you start your own blog?

There are countless platforms online where you can create a free or paid blog, depending on your financial situation and goals.

For now I use Blogspot which is free apart from my £10 annual domain name renewal.

You can also try WordPress and Wix if you prefer a more customised site over a basic blog style. I’ve tried WordPress briefly, but found Blogger easier to use as a beginner.

Essentially anyone can start a blog if you are over 13 years of age, just read the platform's terms of use.

To create a blog, follow these instructions:

Go to and use your Google account to sign up. Click "Create New Blog", choose a name (or ask ChatGPT for ideas), and select a template. You can use a basic template or purchase premium ones for better SEO.

Now let's introduce the concept of a niche, as it is very important:

Your niche is your blog’s focus - the main topics you will write about. It could be beauty reviews, travel tips, academics, or anything you can write about with expertise.

For example, my niche is beauty products, reviews, hair care, and lifestyle.

How can you write your first article with no experience? Read a lot for inspiration and ask ChatGPT to suggest ideas. The key is finding your unique voice.

You can use Artificial Intelligence in your favor and ask for some instruction, if you are not sure about a topic or need some grammar corrections these tools are great for that.

Make sure to double check the chatbot's work as it is not a real thing and can mess up your text if you do not proof read it first you could post incorrect information. You can also read this post about tips for writing a blog post.   

What about blog language? Choose one fitting your audience - local or international. My native language is Portuguese but I live in England, so I write in English to reach a broader audience. Using a language you're less fluent in is fine with the help of translation tools, but make sure to read through everything thoroughly to make sure it makes sense.

Next you'll need images. Create original ones on Canva or use free stock photos. Professional brands use Canva, so it's a great free resource.

You can easy create an amazing image like this one below, which makes it original, eye catching and unique, focusing on your niche. 

blog post nails beauty

Now, the key part - SEO. This refers to optimising your content so it easily appears on Google. Use keywords in titles and text, and include alt text for images

Can your blog make money? Yes, if you monetise it appropriately. The most popular way is to use Google AdSense. I will explain how to apply for AdSense here.

There are bloggers making up to $4.000 per month some will get that much in just a week, it mainly depends on your visitors per day. 

First you will need a gmail account, then you can visit the Adsense website here click on "Get Started" and use your email address to login and setup your account. 

You can then start adding your sites, payment and tax information, making sure you complete all sections and ask Adsense to review your website. It will then crawl your ads txt file in your site and check if everything is compliant with it's policies. You should not have more than one Adsense account.

If Adsense is unavailable in your country, you can use other monetisation options like affiliate marketing or sponsored posts. A lot of influencers are using Amazon's programme, you do however need to meet the criteria, for example have lots of traffic on your blog in order to qualify.

So, how do you attract visitors? Promote your posts on social media, focus on search engine optimisation. Pinterest is great for traffic as it functions similarly to Google. Make use of the benefits of Pinterest and learn how to maximize it.

I hope I've shown you how blogging remains powerful in the age of AI. Let me know in the comments section if you have or want to start a blog!


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